Yesterday I got a wild hair and decided I wanted prettier things in the house. So I started to think about doing some storage in Kam's new playroom. Well back in November, Ikea had some awesome 1 day deals that we passed up because frankly, who wants to stand in line on those days! So I passed up this storage bench for $99 ( its normally $250) which now, of course, I cannot find a picture of because navigating Ikea's site sometimes is frustrating. I don't remember the name of the piece. Anyway, I was thinking about putting 2 narrow coffee tables together and putting baskets underneath until I found this:

And decided to put it on its side, with these in the teal color in all 5 spaces:

It came out looking like this:

And look how great it matches the $89 table we got from Target a while back:

They are not black, but a VERY dark brown and I love them. My next step will be to change out that rug for something with brown and teal in it =)
Then I got this:

And these:

To put behind the couch, where a desk was. The desk is now in my office ( my next project) and here is the finished piece in all is loveliness:

Dont you love Kam's little wicker chair and the beautiful matching ink stain on the carpet?? Need to see about getting some Resolve for that. The unfilled frames sitting on top are these:

Which will hold 4x6 pictures that I have to print. I might wait and take updated pictures on Easter and put them in there. Next comes getting some plants and making some art for the wall that I found on
Ucreate, which I'm really excited about. I'll be (hopefully) making those this coming week. The thing that is really bugging me there is the lamp, I might have to change that out because its too low with what I want to put in that area. I still have a corner in that room that I need to clean Kam's toys out of. Alot is being donated as he doesn't use it anymore. It makes me sad to get rid of his toys, but he truly is not playing with them anymore. Once all that is done, I will have an "adult" space...ahhhh. I'll post pics once its all pretty and finished.