First and foremost I wanted to wish all of you and your families and Happy and Blessed New Year!
I really hope the new year finds you all in good health and happiness and my wish for everyone is that all their dreams come true this year!
I’m excited about this new year. I’m not making any resolutions, but I am looking forward to making some changes. As far as DIY goes, the first is in my bathroom. I have been threatening talking about painting my bathroom for months. Finally I just decided to buy some paint and get started. So now I’m in it! Coming up soon will be the bathroom series, followed by the bedroom series (with that new duvet) and finally my office series. My office/craft room will probably take the longest, which is why it is last. I have been procrastinating cleaning out that room, as I posted before. But it is time to get rid of the clutter!I do believe that your home should be an extension of you. With everything that has been going on in my life in the last year or so, I haven’t really taken the time to make things around me pretty. Its time to really do that! I’m feeling happier and I want my home to reflect that.
I really hope everyone has a great weekend and a fantastic start to their New Year. Please remember to join me on Wednesday for my next Pajama Party!