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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shutterfly & Cupcake Winners

Hello everyone! I hope you had a great Halloween! Now it’s time to start getting ready for Thanksgiving, then my favorite…Christmas!

Thank you to all that participated in my contests. The winners are as follows:


  • Jenni
  • Jessie
  • Giana

Please email me at to receive your Shutterfly code! Congratulations!

KamNCo cupcakes:

  • Shootings Stars Mag
  • ruthhill74

Again, please email me at with your choice of cupcake from my shop at KamNCo. 

Thanks again to everyone that participated. And stay tuned as we will be having another sponsored contest in the next few weeks!

I will also post to Facebook and Twitter.

Have a great day and ~SMILE~

Friday, October 28, 2011

Pink Saturday

In honor of Pink Saturday, I have a giveaway at Beverly's Blog Here.

I am giving away this specially designed cupcake:

Be sure to go to Beverly's Blog to enter!!

If you get a chance, please be sure to "Like" KamNCo Here.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Pajama Party #11

Here we are, getting back into the swing of things with my Pajama Party.

Life in my PJs

Please link up any projects you have been working on.

I just ask the following:

  • Link to a specific post NOT your main blog. This could be anything DIY related, cooking, crafts, home improvement, fiber arts, ANYTHING creative. Even great finds it ok to post, I’m flexible =)
  • Please try and comment on the person/people before you. The more comments the better!!
  • I ask that you follow my blog as well.
  • Please have my button somewhere on your blog. I have all my buttons on my buttons page. Can be in the post, on a separate page or as a link.
  • Have fun and come back every week!!

That’s it! I will post a few of my favs during the week. Can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with!

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Don't forget to check out my contest HERE

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Monday, October 17, 2011

Weight Watchers and Some Great Recipes

I have been doing Weight Watchers for about 6 weeks now. Decided after 4 years it was time to get the baby weight off, right? To date I have lost 12.6 pounds. Hey, those .6 are very important!

Anyway, I’m the type of person that will eat the same thing everyday if it means the program will work for me. My family, not so much. So I have been searching for recipes ever since.

I came across the most wonderful website! I am in no way affiliated with this site, I just LOVE IT! (I wish I was though, she’s genius with her recipes)

The website is and I just wanted to share some of my favs, so far. I’m sure there will be more.


Crock Pot Chicken Taco Chili

I have been making this Chili for the last few weeks as my make ahead lunch. Its perfect with some baked Tostitos Scoops for a great lunch. I just portion it out and freeze it in little containers. Pop it in the microwave for a few minutes and I have a wonderful lunch.


Skinny Meatloaf Cupcakes with Mashed Potato Frosting

Made these last night for dinner. Yummy! And there are plenty left over to, again, freeze and have for dinner another night. Very tasty.


Pumpkin Swirl Cheesecake Yogurt Cupcakes

These are fantastic. There is a link in the recipe for her Pumpkin Butter which I also made first. Then the cheesecakes. YUMMY! Wonderful dessert and not too high on sugar (compared to other low fat desserts) which was perfect for me and my dad, who is diabetic. Delish!

Even if you aren’t on the Weight Watchers program, check out the recipes. There are TONS! And they are healthy and all look delicious.

Let me know if you are doing a weight loss program. Its great to see the progress. Yippee!

Don’t forget to enter my 2 contest going on right now. One is Here and the other Here.

Shutterfly 2011 Holiday Card Giveaway & CONTEST

I love Shutterfly, I must say. Last year I made some great picture books of my son for his relatives that live far away. They loved them so much. It was a great way to showcase “ A Year In The Life” for all the relatives that do not get to see my son very often.

I also used Shutterfly for my Christmas cards last year. These were the cards I ended up going with:


Everyone loved them. They are folded cards and printed on very sturdy card stock. No flimsy cards here! I was able to personalize the inside with different things my son had done throughout the year. It was awesome!

All of Shutterfly’s new folded cards can be seen HERE.

I specifically have my eye on :


Seen here.

heartsand home

Seen here.


Seen here.

Mainly because I already have my photo picked out for Holiday cards this year, so I am leaning more towards the ones that just have one picture on the front. However, there will be more opportunities for pictures soon, so I may have more photos to add. I also like that there have been a few things that I would like to share inside the card, and the layouts all allow me to do that. Mini newsletter without writing out an entire newsletter. Awesome!

They also have gift you can make seen here.

I really like this necklace. It would make a great grandmother’s gift:


Seen here.

And here is your chance to get yourself 25 free holiday cards from Shutterfly. There are 2 ways:

1. If you are a blogger and would like a chance at 25 free cards this holiday season, register here:

2. If you are not a blogger or would just like to enter the contest, Shutterfly has provided me with codes for 25 free Holiday Cards to 3 of my readers. Please just comment on this post anytime from Monday October 17 – Monday October 24 and you will be entered. Winners will be announced Tuesday, October 25. Please also leave your email in the comment so I can email you!

That’s it! Have a look around Shutterfly and enjoy!

This post has been sponsored by Shutterfly, but all opinions are my own and are honest and true.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Faux Cupcake Christmas Ornaments & A CONTEST

Hi! Long time no chat – AGAIN! I apologize for that. Sometimes life takes over and other things have to take priority. I do miss blogging though, so I will really try to make a better effort to blog more often.

I often find myself doing projects and later thinking, “I could have blogged about that”. I sometimes wonder if its something anyone would want to read about, then later realize, yes, you probably would! So I’m going to take pictures of everything (more than I do now, which is A LOT) and show you guys.

In the meantime, I’ll show you what I have been doing. There is a Holiday Craft Faire coming to my neighborhood next month. I have been waiting for something like this to hit the area so I could get a booth and create something. I immediately signed up and then couldn’t figure out what to make! LOL. I knew it had to be cupcake related, because of all the baking I have been doing. I’m become a little cupcake obsessed. It took about 4 weeks, but I ended up with these:



As you can see there is a watermark on a few because I decided to open an Etsy store which you can see HERE. 

I’m very excited about this. I have been in touch with some retailers about putting a few in their shop.

Now for the contest!

My contest is simple….I would like to offer 2 of my readers a Faux Cupcake Ornament. These are made to order, so the 2 winners will be able to choose exactly how they want their cupcake to look, from the choices I provide. Each person will have multiple entries, here they are:

For the first entry: please go to our new KamNCo Facebook page and LIKE us HERE. (You don’t have to comment, but I would be overjoyed if you did.) Then please come back and comment that you did, pretty please with a cherry on top Smile

For the second entry: please head on over to the shop HERE and let me know what style you like, from what I have listed. Then please come back and comment letting me know what style you would build.

For the third entry: I would be extremely honored if you were to let your friends know about the contest. Whether it be on your blog, Facebook, or Twitter, I would super sincerely appreciate it. Then come back and let me know that you did.

That’s it! Contest runs today, October 14th thru Monday October 24th at 10:00 pm Pacific. I will announce the winners on Tuesday October 25th, both here and on Facebook.

Stay tuned as I am building a few different cupcake stands for the Craft Faire that is coming up and will share them with you, step by step Smile

Once things get going on Facebook, I'll be running Facebook only contests as well. I'll keep you posted!

For my readers!! Use coupon code LIFEINMYPJS for 15% off any purchases made!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

What I've Been Up To

Hello to all my bloggy friends! I have...again...not been around much. I have been quilting and I should have been posting about it. But I seem to forget to take tons of pictures because I get so excited about what I am doing. So here are a few pictures of some quilt tops that I have done. They still need to be quilted and will be soon.

This first one is my favorite. All of these are made using the Jelly Roll 1600 pattern, but this first one I added some squares between the strips, along with borders and some charm squares.

I am making a few quilts as Christmas presents. So I will be posting as they get completed. Also soon, I will be redoing my sewing table and making it more into a quilting friendly table and will post about that.

There is also a craft fair coming up in November where I live. I'm so excited to be participating. I will post the crafts I am working on for that, as well.

Comment and let me know what you have been up to!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Pajama Party #10

Here we are, getting back into the swing of things with my Pajama Party.

Life in my PJs

Please link up any projects you have been working on.

I just ask the following:

  • Link to a specific post NOT your main blog. This could be anything DIY related, cooking, crafts, home improvement, fiber arts, ANYTHING creative. Even great finds it ok to post, I’m flexible =)
  • Please try and comment on the person/people before you. The more comments the better!!
  • I ask that you follow my blog as well.
  • Please have my button somewhere on your blog. I have all my buttons on my buttons page. Can be in the post, on a separate page or as a link.
  • Have fun and come back every week!!

That’s it! I will post a few of my favs during the week. Can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with!

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pajama Party #9

Here we are, getting back into the swing of things with my Pajama Party.

Life in my PJs

Please link up any projects you have been working on.

I just ask the following:

  • Link to a specific post NOT your main blog. This could be anything DIY related, cooking, crafts, home improvement, fiber arts, ANYTHING creative. Even great finds it ok to post, I’m flexible =)
  • Please try and comment on the person/people before you. The more comments the better!!
  • I ask that you follow my blog as well.
  • Please have my button somewhere on your blog. I have all my buttons on my buttons page. Can be in the post, on a separate page or as a link.
  • Have fun and come back every week!!

That’s it! I will post a few of my favs during the week. Can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with!

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

iPhone Art

Last night after my son fell asleep, I was looking at his hands. It’s amazing how much those little hands grow and so quickly! Just a few months ago we had done some hand imprint art and they were already bigger!

I had my iPhone with me and I snapped a few pictures. (Luckily the flash didn’t wake him). I just wanted the memory of his hand and the size. And of course, holding my finger like this:


Later on I decided I would make some art from it. I have an app called FX PhotoStudio ( one of many picture apps I happen to have) and I loaded the picture in there. I cropped the picture to my liking and then added the effect called Color Charcoal Sketch and ended up with this:


Uploaded it this morning to my computer while syncing the phone. Stuck it in Photoshop quickly to add the date and here is the finished picture ( date in very bottom right corner)


I then printed it on 4x6 photo paper and here it is:


I think it came out so beautiful! Took me about 5 minutes of my time and was free. On my next dollar store or thrift store trip, I will find the perfect frame for it. Right now I have it leaning against some candle sticks in my office. Its just the perfect picture of mama and baby (or almost 4 year old) love.

Linking to all the great parties found on my Link Party Page!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Pajama Party #8

Here we are, getting back into the swing of things with my Pajama Party.

Life in my PJs

Please link up any projects you have been working on.

I just ask the following:

  • Link to a specific post NOT your main blog. This could be anything DIY related, cooking, crafts, home improvement, fiber arts, ANYTHING creative. Even great finds it ok to post, I’m flexible =)
  • Please try and comment on the person/people before you. The more comments the better!!
  • I ask that you follow my blog as well.
  • Please have my button somewhere on your blog. I have all my buttons on my buttons page. Can be in the post, on a separate page or as a link.
  • Have fun and come back every week!!

That’s it! I will post a few of my favs during the week. Can’t wait to see what everyone has come up with!

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Child Safety Tip

This may be something you already do, but after recently watching the Primetime with Jaycee Dugard, it really got me thinking.

These days with so many smart phones out there, or phones that take pictures, its really easy to snap a picture of your child before you leave the house. God forbid they get lost or worse, no one can predict the frame of mind, as a parent. It’s very easy to say…I would do this or I would do that. However, I have learned in my life, that personally, you just never know. I said that about completely different situation years (and years and years) ago and then I found myself in said situation and reacted differently.

So recently, I have started to take a quick picture, with my phone, before my son leaves to go to any crowded place. Amusement park, the zoo, even the mall. That way you have THE most recent picture of your child and the clothing they had on that day, already with you to give to the proper people.

I hope this doesn’t seem too somber, I just think its better to be overly prepared, than not.

Weigh Loss??

I need to lose some weight. I was wondering if there was anyone out there that was trying to lose weight, has been losing weight, has lost a lot of weight or just needs some motivation and support? I have a good friend that I talk to almost daily about the exercise portion. I need more support with the food portion. I notice that I eat when I am bored, or during certain times of the month. Sometimes I just want something specific so badly. The more I exercise the more I notice that the food cravings aren’t as bad, which is good. But I still need more support.

Does anyone want to be a food buddy? You can leave a comment here or email me directly at


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Why I Was Gone So Long

I’ve been doing a lot this past 6 months. I have a dream of opening a bakery one day. I decided that I would work on that dream. I am going to start an online bakery, next year.


For the past 6 months I have been baking like crazy. Mainly cupcakes, but as time goes on, I have tried new things like decorated cookies and mini pies. I have always loved to bake and thought…why not do something I love ALL the time? So here are a few cupcakes I have been working on:

banana peanut butter

Banana Cupcake/Peanut Butter Frosting


Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cupcake/Chocolate Frosting

french toast

French Toast Cupcake/Maple Frosting

red velvet

Red Velvet Cupcake/Cream Cheese Frosting

These were all sent to friends who agreed to test them for me. For taste, packaging, presentation upon arrival, etc. I still have a lot of work to do, but with each new batch, I am learning new things, especially about how to package them to arrive looking as close to how they left as possible. I think we are getting closer. It’s very exciting and a little scary too.

I’ll be opening the bakery after we move next year. I would love to move before Bubs starts kindergarten so he is settled in one school and doesn’t have to switch. I think that’s very important, at least to me it was when I was little. We moved a few times and I was always scared I would have to leave my friends. So I am waiting until we move to start this adventure.

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Popsicle Stick Sewing Basket

I hope you all had a safe and Happy 4th Of July! Here is the project that got me back into the crafting swing of things:


I’m so in love with this box! It is just so cool! Starz had Burlesque on, so I listened to some Cher and Christina and went to work. I just love how it turned out!  When shut, you can’t tell that it opens. Its looks like a great piece of art!


But it does open! I don’t know what I will be filling it with yet, but its going to get something special in it.


Here is a view of the inside:


One of the best parts of this box? It cost me literally $4 to make!

Here is another link to Mark’s book which should be called the Big KICK Ass Book of Crafts IMHO:


Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

Now on Facebook!

Life In My Pjs is now on FACEBOOK!

You can click the "like" button on my right sidebar or visit the link here.

I thought it would be fun to have a place to chat about crafting or ask questions that may not fit into an entire blog post.

Thanks and ENJOY!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

We are finally feeling like summer here in California. Hooray! And just in time for some 4th of July BBQ’s and fireworks.


We are having a block party today on our cul-de-sac. Great people, good food and lots of fun! We all get together at a neighbors house and BBQ. Everyone brings something different and this year I am bringing cupcakes:


Red velvet, my favorite Smile

How are you celebrating today? However you do, have a FANTASTIC day!!


Sunday, July 3, 2011

I’m Back! And a Sneak Peek

I’m back to blogging and I’m so excited. I have been doing a lot of non craft related things, but I missed this so much that I HAD to come back. Recently I picked up this book and the creativity started flowing again:


The Big-Ass Book of Crafts by Mark Montano. Find it here on Amazon.

I made a project from it last night and here is a sneak peek:


(I’ll blog more about this in a future post)

I didn’t know how much I missed crafting until I sat down last night and did this project. Now this book has inspired me to do so much more and I’m excited again.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Perfect Cupcake Photography Props

I am SOOOOOOO excited right now. When I went to Michael’s today, it was with the intention of getting some baking supplies. I passed by their little dollar spot and saw these:


That little plate is about 3” in diameter, the little frame about 3.5”.

I started a cupcake blog called The Cupcake Challenge. Basically I’m going to be baking a new cupcake recipe every week. ( If you know of any fun, unusual or interesting flavor combos, send them my way!) (My first recipe is here) My dream is to one day own a cupcake shop. So I am trying to perfect some recipes. In the mean time, I will be blogging about the entire experience. So I needed some photo props.

When I saw the plate and the frame I thought, “that might look cute. will have to see if the cupcake will fit” and then I forgot about it while looking for my other stuff. When I came home, I took one of these little candlesticks:


(that price is for 6 from Hobby Lobby online)

Sprayed it with Satin Espresso from Rustoleum:


and stacked it all together. Please excuse my not-ironed-right-out-of-the-package pillow case, but I was just too excited to do anything else. Here is what I got:


Is that not the cutest thing ever!! Oh Em Gee!

They are NOT glued together because then I can interchange them, so it basically makes it a 3-in-1!:

Just the plate:


Just the frame:


I just can’t get over my excitement. I was planning on going out and getting some fancy plates for props and then I came across these! Tomorrow I am going back and getting every color plate they had, (I think there were 4) and then a few more frames to spray paint some neutral colors. I’ll have a big set of cupcake stands for my pictures. I’m in LURVE!!! (I’m debating spraying this frame with the Satin Espresso so it matches better. We’ll see with some better lighting)

Here it is again all stacked, just cause I can’t stop loving it!


Of course I have to get my faux Ott light out to put over the set up, but I just had to show you guys!!

(Cupcakes are Margarita and the recipe is on my new blog)