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Monday, May 17, 2010

Makes My Monday: Kam Wants To Help

My son is at the age that he always wants to help everyone do everything. So he tries to help me do my crafts. I tried a new craft over the weekend ( more on that in a later post) and he wanted to help mommy with “Pod Podding” (mod podging) so I let him “paint” a little. I didn’t have the camera outside with me, unfortunately, but it was really cute.

I also have a project that I am finishing up and everytime he sees it, he brings it over and says “these flowers are for you mommy”. So here is my little man holding the project and at the same time, another sneak peek:

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Make my monday is hosted by Cheryl at Twinfatuation. I thought this was a super cute idea as soon as I saw it and a great start to the week. Go check it out!


  1. i love that he wants to help, AND bring you flowers. obviously you are training him well. :)

  2. Adorable!
    And the craft is really cute too. :)

  3. Oh Ela, he is simply precious...and that he wants you to have your flowers is absolutely a Monday maker. :)

    Thanks so much for playing along...hope you will play along often!

  4. So sweet! :D Isn't it great when they want to help?! :D

    Thanks for sharing!
